Volunteers are our Greatest Assets
Vasculitis Foundation Canada is made up strictly of volunteers. They give so much of their energy and time while most are still having to deal with their own form of Vasculitis. From the onset, the running of a support group has to be a group project. When we began in 1998 with not-for-profit status, our goal was to reach out to the unknown patients and families who knew the challenge of a rare disease, Wegener’s Granulomatosis. Resources were the determination and strength of a handful of volunteers. The talents of each were brought to bear and the outreach plan was launched.
With the forerunner team of volunteers in Kansas City, Missouri giving the encouragement to go for the gusto, the newly-formed board of directors planned and worked to make their hope a reality. They were on a quest to help their fellow Canadian patients feel less isolated and not alone in the fight for their lives. There have been a number of dedicated people over the years who have all had the heavy hand of illness try to stop them in their tracks.
With the hard work and fortitude put forth over the years, the need of willing hands has continued. The change from dealing with one disease to fifteen has made a profound impact on how the group functions. The one thing that is constant is the need for that single, most powerful tool – the volunteer. No matter what the position of the individual, whether patient, family member, friend or concerned citizen, there is nobody that works with such enthusiasm and dedication as the volunteer. A sense of pride and success make it all worthwhile.
Thank you to our special group of dedicated volunteers.
If you would like to volunteer your time even for a few hours a week to help such a worth while cause please email [email protected] We have many positions available with all kinds of skill levels. Anything you can do would help.