Vasculitis Foundation Canada

By Jon Stewart

VFC Announces the 2018 Fall Speaker and Lecture Program The Many Faces of Vasculitis

VFC 2018 Fall Lectures – Saturday, October 27, 2018
St. Joseph’s Health Care
268 Grosvenor Street
London, Ontario
Shuttleworth Auditorium at St. Joseph’s Health Care


Come to the Annual VFC Fall Lectures in London, Ontario

VFC is pleased to advise the theme for this falls lectures will be The Many Faces of Vasculitis.  This fall we are excited to share with you a very diverse program covering the many different presentations, or “faces” of vasculitis.  

VFC has long recognized that patient education is a critical part of our mission, and with your participation we shall continue to help improve your care, we will find new ways to control vasculitis and of course, together we will find the cause, and the ultimately the cure.

We hope you’ll join us this fall for the next chapter on understanding vasculitis for patients. We meet Saturday, October, 27, 2018 in London where you’ll hear six determined and dedicated doctors share their ideas about The Many Faces of Vasculitis. We’ve come a long way over VFC’s 20+ year history and things continue to get better, as you will hear from this year’s speakers.  And, you’ll have lots of time to meet and greet other patients, and get answers to questions that are important to you.

This falls lectures have been organized with the assistance of Dr. Lillian Barra (Rheumatology/CanVasc), she will present two sessions: one, will be an overview of vasculitis in Canada and globally, and the second, will focus on her MRI & PET imaging research on Takayasu’s (TAK), which may change the thinking on the diagnosis and treatment of TAK. Dr. Jennifer Mandzia (Neurology), will speak on central nervous system, (CNS) vasculitis, which impacts many patients from numbness and pain, all the way to brain involvement and strokes. Dr. Katherine Siminovitch (Vasculitis Genetics), will update us on her genetics research which primarily involves GPA and MPA over a course of 17 years.

Dr. Lulu Bursztyn (Ophthalmology), will “focus” on ocular anatomy, and ocular involvement in Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA). Dr. Erkan Demirkaya (Rheumatology), will review, and share, his experience with Behcet’s (BD), and will offer his insight on how the “Silk Road” leads all the way to London, and around the world! Dr. Leigh Sowerby (ENT), will review ENT involvement in vasculitis which affects high numbers of GPA and EGPA patients. We hope you will join us for this falls lectures!

Registration begins at 9:00AM.  The lecture program gets underway at 9:50AM.

As in past years, some DNA study samples may be collected, stay tuned for more information on the various lab collections which may apply to you.

Lecture Registration is FREE for VF Canada members, (whose memberships are current!), non-members can attend by becoming a member with a $20 Canadian membership, or a dual Canada/U.S. membership for $60. Please note: a valid passport is required for all visitors to Canada.

Click here for the full lecture program.  Click here to register for the Fall Lectures.

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