Vasculitis Foundation Canada

By Jon Stewart

Our Public education involvement

Vasculitis Foundation Canada was featured on the CTV news in March 2009 for it’s efforts in promoting awareness about these forms of rare diseases.

Dr. Louise Vitou, a Nephrologist at Grand River Hospital, Kitchener and Donna Wall, a board member, were interviewed twice on Rogers Cable Television in the early life of the support group.

Once a brochure was developed, the awesome task of mailing a letter with a brochure to nine different medical specialty doctors across Canada was undertaken

Numerous newspaper articles have been written as the group developed.

A combined effort has been made with the Kansas City support group, now known as Vasculitis Foundation. To ensure the sharing of knowledge, we developed a dual membership with them which enables all members to a worldwide source of help.

The change-over from Wegener’s Granulomatosis Support Group of Canada to Vasculitis Foundation Canada involved many adjustments. New brochures, a new logo and an outreach to many more families coping with a form of Vasculitis have enabled many patients with much rarer diseases to join in a common fight.