Vasculitis Foundation Canada

By Jon Stewart

2023 VFC Annual General Meeting

Join us for the 2023 VFC Annual General Meeting (AGM), Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 12 Noon ET with Guest Speaker Kareena Nanda

The VFC AGM is the foundation’s annual obligation to, amongst other things, receive the President/Director’s report on the current and future business of the foundation, receive the Treasurer’s report and financial statements for the 2022 calendar year, and appoint accountants for the new year.   Members also vote to elect officers (President, Treasurer and Secretary) and directors for the new year, as well as transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting.

The 2023 Vasculitis Foundation Canada (VFC) AGM will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 12 Noon ET online, and by phone, via ZOOM. The AGM starts at 12:00 Noon ET, however, online arrival and sign-in starts at 11:30 AM ET. The number of ZOOM attendees may be limited, sign-in earlier rather than later!

Below, and for your review, are 5 PDF documents with the complete 2023 AGM details as follows:

VFC 2023 Notice/Invite of/to AGM
VFC 2022 President’s Report
VFC 2023 AGM Proxy/Reply
VFC 2023 Schedule/Agenda to AGM
VFC 2022 Minutes to 2022 AGM

Join us with guest speaker Kareena Nanda who will present an interim report on emerging data from the patient survey “Access to Vasculitis Care in Canada” that she has co-authored with Dr. Elaine Yacyshyn in Edmonton.

Join us for “an interim report on the emerging data from the patient survey “Access to Vasculitis Care in Canada” with our guest speaker, Kareena Nanda, UofA medical student and co-author with Dr. Elaine Yacyshyn in Edmonton. Kareena has been collecting data from the patient survey that many of you have completed. With support from VFC, Kareena recently presented some of her findings in the form of a “poster” at the Canadian Rheumatology Conference in Quebec City this past February. She will share with us some of the findings. Highlight findings include data that indicate: 67% of you were mis-diagnosed, and 78% of you have been hospitalized at least once. Join Kareena as she presents the interim survey findings and advises the direction this survey will be heading in the future.

To attend the ZOOM MEETING by internet 💻:
If you have not already done so, please send an email to: [email protected] requesting to attend the AGM and we will send you an invitation by email with complete details on how to attend the meeting.

To attend the ZOOM MEETING by phone ☎️:
If you have not already done so, please send an email to: [email protected] and we will send you an invitation by email, or call us, and we’ll get you the complete details on how to attend the meeting.

If you have questions about any part of our AGM, or need to check your membership status, please feel free to contact us by email at: [email protected]

We look forward to meeting with as many of you as possible at the 2023 VFC AGM

Note:  Only “current” VFC members can vote, memberships are considered “current” within three months of the renewal date. If you cannot email your Reply and Proxy please mail it to the address in the Reply and Proxy document below.

Keep well,
Jon Stewart

Vasculitis Foundation Canada