Vasculitis Foundation Canada

By Jon Stewart

VFC completes a major update to our website with a complete package of patient education resources, and patient tools, for each of 10 vasculitic diseases

With lots of patient input, Dr. Joanne Jiang has produced this new content that we hope will improve patient understanding of their vasculitis disease, and improve vasculitis outcomes for patients like you

Patient education, and patient engagement in their vasculitis, has been a core belief of VFC since our very beginnings, so we are thrilled to take our patient resources and tools to the next level.

Earlier this year VFC co-sponsored Dr. Joanne Jiang as a VFC Vasculitis Fellow at the Toronto Vasculitis Clinic with Dr. Pagnoux. Part of Dr. Jiang’s studies was to develop self-management patient “tools” and “resources” that will assist vasculitis patients to better understand, and manage and track, their vasculitis journey. The ultimate goal is that these “tools” will translate into improved disease outcomes for patients.

Vasculitis patients can be overwhelmed with a vasculitis diagnosis. Working together with Dr. Jiang, CanVasc (, and lots of patient input, we proved the need for improved educational materials, and patient management tools. It is our hope that these “tools” will help patients navigate the “new world” of powerful treatments, regular lab tests, biopsies and ongoing doctor appointments etc. We want every patient to “come-up-to-speed” quickly on their vasculitis, to better understand their symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, lab tests and learn how to track those results.

VFC sends a special “shout out” to all those who participated in the “patient needs survey” as well as those who proofed various draft versions. Check out the final documents sorted into 10 vasculitis diseases at this link: