PEXIVAS, for Plasma Exchange In VASculitis, was the world’s largest […]
The 2018 AGM for Vasculitis Foundation Canada (VFC) will be […]
VFC 2017 Fall Lectures – Saturday October 28, 2017 Toronto […]
Sunday, July 9th, 2017 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Couchiching […]
We are delighted to confirm our 19th annual Vasculitis Foundation Canada (VFC), picnic and fun social event, as well as our 8th. annual “26 REASONS TO WALK” on Saturday, June 24, 2017 from 10:30 AM to 4 PM. We want you and your family to attend, and we encourage you to participate in any way you can. Join the fun, and WALK to raise awareness and funds for vasculitis research.
The 2017 AGM for Vasculitis Foundation Canada (VFC) will be held on April 22, 2017 at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 126, 334 Westminster Drive, Cambridge, Ontario The VFC AGM is the foundation's annual obligation to, among other things, receive the Directors’/President’s report on the current and future business of the foundation, receive the Treasurer’s report and financial statements for the 2016 calendar year, receive the auditor’s report and appoint auditors for the new year. Members also vote to elect officers (President, Treasurer and Secretary) and directors for the new year as well as transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting.
All life is coded by DNA – a double stranded helix structure made from four nucleotide bases – adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). The sequence in which A, T, C, and G are strung along the strand of DNA in organisms’ cells ultimately determines the species.
There are multiple genes/gene variants involved in GPA and for certain these are also present in healthy people – one has to have the “right” combination of genes as well as some environmental trigger to get the disease.
HLA is a really pivotal set of genes involved in your capacity to respond to any kind of infection and HLA-DPB1 is involved in the etiology of GPA
There are many voyages in life, until the final destination. Most people will not know the manner or time of their death. Welcomed, a life-threatening disease can become a powerful teacher. Nikki is a writer of fiction. At work on her novel “WRATH,” she is stricken suddenly with a rare, aggressive, autoimmune disease. This book chronicles how she comes to embrace illness as a teacher of life.