Have you completed the new research survey on dental health in patients with vasculitis? If not, the survey will only take you about 10-15 minutes.
You are being invited to participate in a research survey conducted by the Toronto Vasculitis Clinic (Drs. Pagnoux, Soowamber and Mestre), aimed at describing the oral and dental health in patients with Vasculitis, and how it can impact quality of life. Only patients with a known, established diagnosis of Vasculitis should complete this survey, on a voluntary basis. Importantly, no personally identifiable information that could potentially identify you as a specific individual is being collected.
This survey is on a voluntary basis, and only patients with a known and established diagnosis of Vasculitis should complete it. No personally identifiable information that could potentially identify you as a specific individual is being collected.
You can access the survey via the link, or by using the QR Code below. The link is here: https://questionnaire.simplesurvey.com/f/s/TOOTHVascSurvey
Don’t miss this opportunity to advance Vasculitis research and connect with fellow patients, family, and friends this June, and get involved in your organization!